Friday 11 February 2011

who would be the auidence for your media product? / How did you attract/adress yoru audience?

what have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When filming my title sequence i used a mini Dv video camerea. ive never used one of these before sp learnign to do this was something new to me. I managed to pick iot up quite quickly. I then had to capture the clips i'd filmed by using a capturing camerea and using a program called onlocation. this was also new to me and took some getting used to, but after a bit of practice i soon go used to it. Once the clips were captured i saved them on the computors hardrive. I then went onto editing my clips to create the title sequence. to do this i used a program called Premire Pro CS5(which means creative suit version 5). This is a non linear program which means i can place several clips ontop of one another to create different effects like picture on picture.
In this program there are several tools which can be used... here's a video to show what tools i used and what they do...

I've also used a few online programs such as "Prezi" which is liek an online powerpoint. I've never used this before but i found it qutie simple and fun to use. Ive also learnt how to use Blogger to record my process, and "youtube" to upload the films in my blog.

Thursday 10 February 2011

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

To decide what institution distributes your media product depends on the genre of film is being created. The target audience for my film is worldwide to older teenager/young adults. So I would use a major distributor with a high budget to get a high gross. This means my film would be distributed by a company such as Universal Pictures. This means the films then able to be shown in big chain UK cinemas such as VUE or Oden. If your film was made on a low budget it would be distributed by an independent film producer. For example, “Entertainment in video” is a small company based in the UK, which is owned by one of the major company’s, this automatically will negatively affect the gross income of the person who owns the film.
As my film was made on a low budget because it was an amateur film, it wouldn’t be successful. But if it was a real media product I think it would be distributed by a major company such as universal pictures and be shown in mainstream cinemas. I think it would be Universal Pictures because after researching I found they distribute many horror films, such as “Seven” which is one of the films I researched before filming. Also, teenager and young adults (which is my target audience) like to watch gory horror films, therefore my film would be quite popular. I believe that my film would also appeal to people of an older age too. As I found during research that adults also enjoy horror films. By having a wider audience this will increase my gross income and therefore make more major companies interested in distributing my film.
I think Universal Pictures would be a suitable company to distribute my film because after researching I found that this particular company distributes many horror films such and “Seven” and “The Thing”.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media text?

how does your media product represent particular social groups?

Monday 24 January 2011


Today I re-watched the title sequence and I found at the begging the music drowns out the sound of the heavy breathing we got the girl to do, so I edited this so on this part the musics quieter and the footage is louder.


We've started adding in the information needed when making a title sequence e.g- actors, production company.. etc...
Whilst I was away last lesson Emily added in where the title would go, when I cam back this lesson i found the part where the title comes up the music has beating sound, so I edited this so the title would flash with every beat.


This lesson we added in some music. We firstly decided to not have music but have a script of people talking as though there leaving an answer phone message, but once we started assembling our footage we found this didn't fit as well and chose some music. The music we chose has quite a "heart beat" sound to it, which make the title sequence more tense.


This lesson Emily wasn't here so I was working alone. I decided to ask Tristan and other students what they thought of the title sequence so far, I got a lot of positive feedback back and took this into consideration before continuing with editing. I made the clip a lot shorter by taking out a lot of unneeded clips. This immediately made the clip more jumpy which suits our genre of horror well.

new technology

As we've been using a editing program, I have learnt to use a lot of new features on it which is didn't know how to use before. One that we've used a lot in my title sequence in the Razor Blade tool. This slices the clip to make a cut which means you can then move that one part of the clip around and makes it easy to do morphs and other more technical edits.

Thursday 13 January 2011


Today we edited some of our clips. we had a technical problem when trying to capture the clips, because every time we did, the computer crashed. after we finally did it, we did a little test with a program called onLocation and Adobe Premier Pro to get used to using it.


We were unable to get any police tape to film by a bonfire, so we decided to cut that part out and we decided to film a knife with fake blood on instead.


While we spent the day filming we decided to add in some extra text.


Today we filmed our title sequence. We came across a few technical problems. Emily Previously filmed a few minutes worth of a candle burning down, After we filmed the first section of the text, we went back to watch it and found it had gone missing. So we had to re-film it.